Friday 20 February 2009

Getting Worse

Now the agent I approached has rejected my work. 'Unfortunately we do not feel enthusiastic enough about it to take this further.' If I was a celebrity and they could smell cash then it would be different, even if it was a pile of rubbish, which it is not.
Stil, no time to stand around feeling bitter. I have instead mailed another agent with a nice long text to introduce myself. Lets see what response that gets.
On anther note, I have now agreed the cover concept for 'The View through My Spectales'.

Michael John


Unknown said...

Bummer...I know how hard it is to put yourself into something then have an "expert" tell you it's crap.
Keep up your good work...I KNOW that good things will come...I feel it...
I found you on the Soulreader blog and sorta followed you across the Pond.
Keep thinking of the magickal Cauldrons of the Dadga, Cerridwen and Brighid...and the Salmon of Prosperity.

Michael John said...

It's comforting to know that someone has read my Blog. One reader at least, many more to come, I hope.
Anyway, I am not convinced by the status of EXPERT. Opinion is all that they have, and any mans opinion is as good and the next.
Kepp on keeping on.

Michael John